tattoo tips

Tattoo Tips - 5 Things Your Artist Wishes You Knew

Here at The Aloha Monkey Tattoo Shop, we know there are a lot of questions asked every day by those that aren’t elbows deep in the tattooing world, and we have a few good tattoo tips that we would like to share. Whether you have more tattoos than bare skin or it’s your first time into a shop, there are some important things that everyone getting tattooed should keep in mind. We asked our artists and our owner, Josh Arment, what 5 things your artists wish you knew before getting your tattoo, and these are their answers.

“Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should” - Please Trust Your Artist

Tattooing is its own unique art form that much like every other art form has its best techniques for the specific medium. There are certain things that can be done, but probably shouldn’t. We are organic, carbon beings and tattoo ink is carbon based so that it can exist along with our skin and last  for a lifetime. So, it needs to be used correctly so you don’t end up with something that looks akin to a sharpie bleeding into paper towel down the road. 

“You can drive your car with your feet, but that definitely doesn’t mean you should.” -Josh Arment 

When we say, “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.,” we are talking about the fact that there are techniques in tattooing that are the way they are to make sure they stay looking good for years to come and everything jives with our carbon makeup as it should. You can totally tattoo whatever image you want, but when your artist suggests a change to the design, it’s more often than not for a good reason. 

Tattoo artists don’t expect you to know everything there is to know about tattooing. Just like a mechanic isn’t going to expect you to know everything about cars and how to build them. But, we’re experienced enough to give you guidance on what’s best for your tattoo. For over 25 years, The Aloha Monkey Tattoo has focused on taking on artists that are passionate about what they do, take the time to hone their skills, and can create the best tattooing experience possible for every client that walks through the door. Artists like that are the best to get your work done with because they truly care about your experience and the quality/longevity of your tattoo.

“As a tattooer, the best tattoos I have are the ones I have micromanaged the least.” - Arthur Zitzka

It has taken years of practice and training for good tattoo artists to fine tune their craft, so every outline and shading technique used is intentional for the medium to create the best results. Not all art makes a good tattoo. So, one of the best tattoo tips is that if you come to an artist with a design and they tell you a few modifications should be made for the best results, trust their experience. 

“Just because the place has a tattoo sign, doesn’t mean they know what they are doing.”

“Good Tattoos Aren’t Cheap, and Cheap Tattoos Aren’t Good”

The age old question of “How much is xyz?” comes up all too often in the tattoo world. It’s normal for individuals to be cost conscious; however, there are a few things to keep in mind before you ask the question or say that a tattoo is too expensive. 

Tattoos are a luxury item. Your skin is finite in the amount that you have and therefore, you want something of quality considering a tattoo is going to be there for as long as you live. Tattoos are also something that can never be taken from you. It’s a way to express yourself every single day with a piece of art that is unique to you. And you are priceless, therefore, tattooed skin of yours is too. 

“You get what you pay for… Talented professionals charge more. You aren’t just paying for the tattoo, you’re paying for all the years of study and experience  they have done to get that good.” - Matt Zirbes

Another thing to keep in mind when setting up a tattoo session is making sure that your only focus is on the experience of the artist and not the price of the piece. You could easily go to the cheapest artist in the world, but you get what you pay for. Which brings us back to one of our most important tattoo tips - “Good tattoos aren’t cheap, and cheap tattoos aren’t good.” You and your skin are worth more than risking a bad experience just for a lower price. 

Make Sure Your Artist Lives to Tattoo and Doesn’t Just Tattoo for a Living

When getting a tattoo, not all artists are in it for the passion of creating incredible art for their clients with quality in mind. This is why research is so important and checking to make sure that your artist is dedicated to tattooing. Tattooing is not a part-time job, it’s a full-time passion and your artist should feel that way about what they are doing. 

Though this could be tied into paying for the experience of the tattooer, we thought it deserved its own highlight. The tattooer you pick plays a big role in the peace of mind that you are in someone’s chair that truly cares about what they are doing for their clients. It’s usually pretty easy to tell the ones who have dedicated their lives to tattooing from the ones that are just in it for the paycheck. 

You’ll also want to make sure that the artist you are going for is familiar with the type of tattoo you are getting. Not every artist has perfected every genre. You may have someone that is incredible with American Traditional tattoos, but doesn’t do realism for a detailed idea that you have. So, you would want to find someone that is comfortable with the style and design that you are looking for. Most tattoo artists will tell you if they are uncomfortable with the art you are asking for and if you are with a good artist, they may even give you a good recommendation for someone who would be a better fit. A good artist won’t take on something they aren’t 100% sure they can execute.

Just do a little bit of research and see if you can find a few referrals or reviews on your artist. And if you get a bad vibe from them, trust your gut… It’s usually right. 

Flash Designs are Meant to be Tattooed

You know those pages of tattoos that artists post to social media or frame in their shop? They are called flash and they are actually meant to be tattooed! Artists spend a lot of time on flash and create them to not only showcase their work but as works available for tattooing. 

Flash designs are historically a distillation of every part of life, passion, love , patriotism, satire, romance, bravado, desire, seduction etc.

The origin of flash was to set up shop somewhere with your pre-drawn designs to catch the eye of potential clients. Whether it was to get the exact image or possibly adding to a tattoo idea, they would have you out of there with new ink “in a flash.” So, yes! Get those flash designs if you like them.

Do Your Research - Not All Tattoo Shops are Created Equal

One of the tattoo tips that isn’t talked about nearly enough is finding a reputable tattoo shop. Not all shops are created equal and you should do more than just Google something like, “tattoo walk ins near me.” Do some research. 

A good analogy to use for this is, if you hire a contractor to remodel your bathroom and handle your plumbing, you are most likely going to ask if they are licensed, insured, have experience, and check some reviews to make sure they are trustworthy. If the contractor that pulls up is completely unorganized, has an over abundance of reviews talking about bad experiences or corner cutting workmanship, and doesn’t have the right certifications, you would show them the door. Why wouldn’t you do the same research for a tattoo shop? 

You always want to make sure that they care about the clients walking through the door, they have their certifications, and they keep a clean and orderly shop. There are a lot of people in the world that think they will open up a shop and everything will be smooth sailing. However, there is a certain level of passion that needs to be met or exceeded to create a real space that is going to be safe for anyone that walks into it. 

BONUS - Stay Present During Your Tattoo Session

“Stay in your body.” This may seem trivial, but tattooing is a difficult art form because it’s one of the only mediums where your canvas can move. So, staying present for your tattoo is important to make sure you get the best tattoo and experience possible. 

“Every time you reach for your phone, everything moves too.”

We get it. Some sessions are long and you want to check your phone or tell your friends that you’re getting some sick new ink. However, every time you move to grab your phone, your whole body moves which can create a more difficult time for your artist. Be present and be in your body. Getting a tattoo is a whole experience that you should be there for. So, no FaceTiming, try not to fidget, and if you want to look at it once in a while, let your artist know so that you don’t shift your body when they aren’t ready for it. If you need a break to send a couple texts or make a call, tell your artist. 

Tattoo Tips Take Away

The biggest tattoo tip take away from all of this should be to do your research. Here at The Aloha Monkey Tattoo, we strive to provide the best possible tattooing experience and hope that others are doing the same, but checking to make sure your artist and shop care about you is so important. The Aloha Monkey Tattoo has been a staple business in tattooing for over 25 years and are truly passionate about the tattoo industry. So, the next time you are thinking about booking a tattoo session, keep these things in mind and enjoy being in the moment when that needle starts buzzing.